Bircu Publisher: Sickle Cell Disease, a New Look At An Orphan Disease

bircuu publisher
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Mpiana of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Kinshasa), thanks to rigorous multicentre scientific studies (University of Kinshasa, University of Bukavu, University of Gbado-Lite, Simon Kimbangu University and University of Mons/Belgium), is giving rise to hope for the management of sickle cell disease.

Traditional medicine based on scientific evidence is now becoming a complementary medicine to modern medicine, as it is capable of treating sickle cell disease, a disease that, if left untreated, kills one in two children before the age of five.

An innovative local solution integrating renewed traditional medicine with modern medicine for the treatment of sickle cell disease is therefore possible and should be encouraged in the context of the application of mixed medicine for sustainable development.

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This approach thus makes it possible to achieve sustainable development goal 3 (good health & well-being) while guaranteeing access to treatment.(


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