BIRCU Publisher: Local Direct Democracy in Indonesia

BIRCU Publisher: Local Direct Democracy in Indonesia
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â–  The decisions made in the referendum (direct democracy) are objective, ethical and just.
The principles mentioned above show that direct democracy offers a real alternative for local politics in Indonesia in the future.


Referendum as the most important democratic instrument, can give voters a direct say in important policy matters.
In many countries and municipal settings, there is an increasing use of popular referendums to settle contentious community disputes. Many praise referendums because they give voters a direct say on important policy matters.

Others question whether the public has enough information on certain policy issues and whether the people can always make the best choice.

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What is crucial is an educational process in society, within the citizens learn about the advantages of direct democracy. This process generates a higher political culture and ultimately a development of a civil society.
How does direct democracy in Indonesia work at the local level in detail? We will describe it in the next articles.

Prof. Miroslaw Matyja

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